PACERS: Celebrating Appalachian Communities

Through 2011-2012  CCP and Larry are working in partnership with PACERS:  Celebrating Appalachian Communities.

Throughout Appalachia there are examples of celebrations and festivals that have positive financial outcomes and improved community resilience and well-being.  With generous assistance from the Appalachian Regional Commission,  PACERS will build upon and expand this tradition by holding in Section (Jackson County) and Camp Hill (Tallapoosa County)  comprehensive multi-day workshops that will develop replicable models for community festivals/celebrations while jointly training young people and community members to document their communities through the arts:  including music, photography, videography, and  graphic design.  Workshops will also include sessions on festival/celebration publicity and organizational requirements.  Workshops—beginning in August, 2011—will be two to three day events and will set the foundation for a local celebration.  They will be preceded and followed by school-based opportunities for students to undertake community documentation and celebration projects (e.g. photo essays, music or video CD’s).  Students and PACERS chapter will be provided with appropriate technology with professional support for its application.

Workshop leaders will include Dr. Jay Lamar, Director of the Center for Arts and Humanities (as well as other professionals associated with the center);  Larry Long, creator of Elders Wisdom Childrens Song ( and ;  Andrew Goetz, nationally recognized photographer (; Fred Fluker, graphic designer, and Dr. Jennifer Adams, Director of the Journalism Program Auburn University.  Local teachers,  musicians, and other community members will also participate in the workshops and in school settings.